WiHPCA is committed to finding ways to strengthen the relationship between hospice and palliative care professionals and key government policymakers that impact our industry through regulation or legislation. Engaging with lawmakers and regulatory organizations and sharing your professional expertise with them can have a significant influence on the development of polices that impact hospice and palliative care in Wisconsin.
In addition to WiHPCA’s grassroots advocacy efforts in the State Capitol, we have created an exciting opportunity for members to regularly engage with the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. We are pleased to report on Thursday, September 9, WiHPCA is holding its third quarterly meeting with DQA.
The purpose of the quarterly meetings – which are tentatively scheduled to be held every three months during the second week of the month – is to review and discuss survey deficiencies, examine avenues for improvement, and maintain a strong, ongoing dialogue between our members and DQA.
A more detailed agenda, a summary of questions, and other related materials will be sent to registrants prior to the meeting.

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