In Governor Tony Evers’ State of the State address, which was delivered before the Legislature on January 15, he announced that he would be forming a Task Force on the Health Care Workforce. Soon thereafter, he signed an executive order formally creating this task force. According to the Governor’s press release, “The task force will be charged with studying the workforce challenges facing the state’s healthcare system, including recruitment and retention, identifying ways to improve patient care and alleviate the burdens on the healthcare workforce, exploring educational and training pathways to grow a sustainable healthcare workforce, and creating an action plan with solutions related to workforce development, industry innovation, education, and training for consideration in the governor’s 2025-27 biennial budget.”
In early February, Governor Evers announced the various members of the task force, which includes several nurses. Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez, who is also a registered nurse, will chair the task force and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary Amy Pechacek and Wisconsin Department of Health Services Secretary Kirsten Johnson will serve as co-chairs.
This task force will likely hold multiple public meetings in various locations in the state. That information will be shared in this newsletter, once it is available.