State Rep. Patrick Snyder and State Sen. Jesse James Introduce Palliative Care Council Bill, at the request of WiHPCA

February 20, 2025 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

WiHPCA, working in conjunction with state Representative Patrick Snyder (R-Wausau) and state Senator Jesse James (R-Thorp), introduced legislation in the Assembly (Assembly Bill 23) and Senate (Senate Bill 39), respectively, which would create a state Palliative Care Council to advise the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and create a palliative care consumer and professional information and education program.  Assembly Bill 23 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care and Senate Bill 39 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Health. 

The primary intent of this legislation is to improve awareness of and access to palliative care, as there are not enough health care providers who specialize in palliative care in Wisconsin.  Furthermore, there is a shortage of information on palliative care for practicing health care providers, patients, and their loved ones.   

The proposed palliative care council would work with DHS on analyzing existing palliative care programs, as well as identifying ways in which health care providers could improve the quality of life for patients throughout our state.  The council comprises 22 members representing diverse perspectives, including physicians, nurses, a spiritual care professional, palliative care patients or family members of such patients, a health insurance company representative with expertise in palliative care, and members of the Legislature.  The council would meet at least twice per year in various locations across the state.

Many other states have already taken the step of creating a palliative care advisory council or advisory group to increase awareness of access to this specialized type of care.  In fact, 22 other states from coast to coast have formed such entities. 

Similar legislation was introduced by Rep. Snyder and Sen. James during the 2023-2024 legislative session.  The Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care voted out this bill unanimously and the bill passed the full Assembly by voice vote.  While a Senate committee held a hearing on this bill last session, unfortunately, it did not move any further in the legislative process, despite a strong lobbying effort by WiHPCA members and their government relations representatives. 

WiHPCA’s government relations team has aggressively lobbied members of the Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care and the Senate Committee on Health to schedule hearings on this legislation.  As is discussed in the newsletter item below, the Assembly Committee on Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care held a hearing on this bill on February 12.  In addition, they have lobbied Assembly and Senate leadership offices to move forward on these bills. 

Wisconsin Hospice and Palliative Care Association

563 Carter Ct, Suite B

Kimberly, WI 54136

Phone: 920-750-7726 | Fax: 920-882-3655


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