• May 26, 2022 12:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WiHPCA understands the need to maintain a strong working relationship with key regulatory agencies that oversee the hospice and palliative care industry in Wisconsin. As such, we meet quarterly with the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, giving WiHPCA members a tremendous opportunity to engage DQA staff, receive key regulatory updates from the agency, and ask questions about current regulations and requirements.

    WiHPCA’s next DQA quarterly meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.

    For members who have not had an opportunity to attend previous quarterly meetings, the purpose of the meetings are to review and discuss survey deficiencies, examine avenues for improvement, and maintain a strong, ongoing dialogue between our members and DQA. You can even submit questions in advance that will be answered by DQA staff at the meeting.

    CLICK HERE to submit a question.

    We hope to see you on Jun 28!


  • May 26, 2022 12:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WiHPCA is happy to remind members about and provide links to the latest articles and information from Hospice News and the National Association for Home Care and Hospice:

    ·         New Legislation Provides Reimbursement Boost to Community-Based Pediatric Palliative Care

    By Holly Vossel | May 23, 2022

    There’s growing momentum behind the movement to finance serious illness care for children.

    The Illinois General Assembly recently passed a bill that requires private insurers and Medicaid plans in the state to include a community-based pediatric palliative and hospice benefit. Creating new revenue opportunities to sustain palliative care at a state level could open doors to crafting an established national benefit. Read more…

    ·         Contract Nurse Utilization Normalizing, But Hospice Staffing Situation Remains Dire

    By Jim Parker | May 23, 2022

    With hospice providers reporting fewer staff in quarantine, many hope to reduce their utilization of temp nursing services — as well as the higher labor costs that come with them. But the reality won’t be that simple. Indicators suggest that demand for temp nurses is dipping slightly, and rates may be starting to fall. However, providers shouldn’t necessarily expect a return to pre-2020 conditions. Read more…

    ·         Senate Again Takes Up Hospice, Palliative Staffing Bill

    By Jim Parker | May 20, 2022

    Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) have reintroduced the Palliative Care and Hospice Education Training Act (PCHETA), designed to bolster the field’s shrinking workforce with federal support. If enacted, PCHETA would support hospice and palliative care training programs for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and chaplains. The bill would also expand continuing education and career development programs and incentives in these fields. Read more…

    ·         Medication Shortages Imperil Hospice Access, Quality

    By Jim Parker | May 19, 2022

    Hospice providers and patients are having difficulty procuring medications due to nationwide drug shortages, threatening quality of care and patients’ access to hospice. These include essential drugs for pain and symptom management. Read more…

    ·         Hospice Leaders ‘Shocked’ by Lackluster Proposed Payment Rule Amid Inflation, Wage Hikes

    By Jim Parker | May 18, 2022

    The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently proposed a 2.7% pay increase for hospice care for Fiscal Year 2023. However, that amount may be a drop in the bucket as COVID-19 headwinds rage, inflation surges and employee wages climb. Beyond the rising costs, Medicare is phasing in the return of payment sequestration, which was temporarily suspended during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Effective April 1, CMS began a 1% withholding. Read more…

    Hospice News, which is part of the Aging Media Network, is a leading source for news and information covering the hospice industry. National Association for Home Care and Hospiceis the largest professional association representing the interests of chronically ill, disabled, and dying Americans of all ages and the caregivers who provide them with in-home health and hospice services.

  • May 26, 2022 12:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) recently reintroduced the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA), a bipartisan bill to grow, improve and sustain the palliative and hospice care workforce to keep pace with patients’ needs and to help improve the well-being of Americans with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

    “Having served as my grandmother’s primary caregiver as she grew older, this issue is near and dear to me, and I want to make a difference for families like mine experiencing serious health concerns,” said Senator Baldwin. “I’m proud to work on this bipartisan bill that will grow and sustain our palliative and hospice care workforce and in turn, improve the quality of life for the growing number of patients with serious or life-threatening illnesses.”

    “Access to high quality palliative and hospice care services is vital for patients and their families,” Senator Capito said. “As a caregiver for parents living with Alzheimer’s disease, I saw firsthand just how valuable these services are. In order to preserve access to this care, our bill would strengthen training and education opportunities for individuals working in these fields. I look forward to working with Senator Baldwin and my colleagues in the Senate to pass this legislation.”

    Palliative and hospice care focus on relieving patients’ suffering from serious illnesses and working to improve their quality of life. The work is done through an interprofessional team of doctors, nurses, social workers, physician assistants, and other specialists focusing on the patients’ needs and ensuring families a voice in achieving their treatment goals. Medical research shows that palliative and hospice care have been associated with enhanced quality of life for patients, reduced hospital expenditures and lengths of stay, and longer patient survival time.

    As palliative care needs increased, the number of professionals and providers needed to fulfill patient needs has not kept pace. Senators Baldwin and Capito’s PCHETA will help build a health care workforce more closely aligned with the nation’s evolving health care needs and improve care and quality of life for millions of Americans facing serious illness by focusing on three key areas:

    ·         Workforce Training: Ensure we have education centers, curricula, and teachers to expand interdisciplinary training in palliative and hospice care and establish programs to attract and retain providers.

    ·         Education and Awareness: Share resources and information to ensure that patients, families and health professionals are informed about the benefits of palliative care and the services that are available to support patients with serious or life-threatening illness.

    ·         Enhanced Research: Direct NIH to use existing authorities and funds to expand palliative care research to advance clinical practice and improve care delivery for patients with serious or life-threatening illness.

    PCHETA is supported by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Hospice Action Network, the Association of the United States, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, and many others. A letter in support of PCHETA from more than 50 organizations can be found here.

    A one pager on the bill is available here. Full text of the legislation is available here.

    Take action on PCHETA… CLICK HERE to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to support this important legislation through the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Hospice Action Network. The network is completely automated. You simply need to enter your name, address, and limited contact information and the Network takes care of the rest.

  • May 26, 2022 12:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Earlier this year, you had an opportunity to respond to WiHPCA’s Legislative and Regulatory Priorities survey, allowing you to provide your input on what policy issues are most important to you, your organization, and the Wisconsin hospice and palliative care industry. The purpose of surveying the membership was to collect valuable data to help association leadership develop the WiHPCA policy agenda and determine what legislative and regulatory issues the organization should make a priority in 2023-2024.

    Together, with your feedback as the foundation of the decision-making process, the WiHPCA Legislative Committee and Board considered the following criteria when finalizing the association’s policy agenda and issue priorities: 1.) The benefit to WiHPCA members; 3.) The extent to which it will improve hospice and palliative care in Wisconsin; and 3.) The likelihood of legislative/regulatory success.

    With that in mind, WiHPCA is pleased to present members with our 2023-24 Policy Agenda, which will be used to guide the association’s advocacy efforts over the next two years.

    The WiHPCA Policy Agenda provides a broad policy vision for advancing hospice and palliative care in Wisconsin and identifies the following specific legislative and regulatory goals for 2023-24:

    • Educate the Wisconsin congressional delegation and state lawmakers on the potential negative impact the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation VBID “Hospice Carve-In” pilot program could have on the long-term viability of hospice care in Wisconsin.
    • Educate key state policymakers – including federal and state lawmakers and the WI Department of Health Services – on the inequity of the nursing home room and board Medicaid pass-through billing requirement imposed on hospice care. The ultimate goal is to eliminate or reduce the negative impact of the current policy.
    • Promote public awareness and increase policy influence of palliative care, such as the creation of state palliative care advisory council.

    Thank you to all WiHPCA members who responded to the Legislative and Regulatory Priorities survey. Your feedback was invaluable to our policy agenda development process.

  • May 26, 2022 12:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Hoven Consulting  – WiHPCA’s lobbying firm

    • New Occupational Credentialing Application Website Unveiled

    On Monday, May 16, the state Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) unveiled its new online occupational credentialing portal – which is called “LicensE”.  This will replace their paper-based occupational credentialing application process.  At this time, most initial occupational credential applications in the health care field – including physicians, physician assistants, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses – will now need to be submitted via this portal.  The list of initial license applications that transitioned to LicensE on May 16 may be viewed here. License renewals and other initial credential applications will move to the LicensE portal at a later time.

    • New Marquette Law School Poll Released

    On April 27, Marquette Law School released a new poll that surveyed Wisconsinites on their opinions of various national and statewide elected officials, as well as candidates for statewide office. 

    • U.S. Senate Election – Democratic Primary 

    With respect to those voters who intend to vote in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s seat, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes was the leading candidate with 19 percent, Alex Lasry followed with 16 percent, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski polled at seven percent, while Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson followed with five percent.  The other candidates received one percent or less, while 48 percent of Democratic primary voters have not decided whom they will support. 

    • Gubernatorial Election – Republican Primary

    In this poll, former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch led her primary rivals with 32 percent of Republicans selecting her, former U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson polled at 10 percent and four percent selected State Representative Tim Ramthun.  However, 46 percent of these voters responded that they did not know whom they will support in the Republican primary.  This poll did not ask about recently announced Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels, as this poll was conducted between April 19-24 – before he entered the race.

    • Current Elected Officials – Approval/Favorability Ratings

    At this time, Governor Tony Evers leads in popularity among elected statewide officials with 49 percent approving and 43 disapproving.  President Biden has a 43 percent approval rating and a 53 percent disapproval rating.  With respect to Wisconsin’s two U.S. Senators, 43 percent of poll respondents have a favorable view of Senator Tammy Baldwin and 36 percent have an unfavorable view, while 36 percent of poll respondents have a favorable view of Senator Ron Johnson and 46 have an unfavorable view of him.

    • State Legislature Approval Rating

    In addition, the poll asked about views of the state legislature.  Poll respondents gave the state legislature a 38 percent approval rating and a 47 percent disapproval rating.

  • May 04, 2022 1:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Workforce issues have been identified has one of the major concerns for hospice providers across the country. 

    So that we are able to paint a clear picture of the challenges hospice providers are facing the NHPCO Workforce Workgroup in collaboration with Hospice Analytics has developed a short survey.

    Each hospice can complete the survey by June 30, 2022

  • April 29, 2022 10:07 AM | Deleted user

    Grassroots advocacy is the most powerful tool WiHPCA has at its disposal to shape public policy and building relationships with lawmakers is the most important aspect of advocacy. In effort to capitalize on our greatest advocacy resource – our membership – WiHPCA has unveiled our Coffee Conversations with Legislators advocacy program.

    The initiative is designed  to help connect members with their local legislators. Under the program, the WiHPCA Government Affairs Team will set-up in-district meetings between WiHPCA members and state lawmakers who represent them in the Legislature. These meetings, which can be located at your facility, or a local coffee shop provides a tremendous opportunity for WiHPCA members to build or strengthen their relationships with local legislators and to educate them on home health care and on policy issues important to home health care professionals and their patients.

    Obviously, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can make it difficult for some in-person meetings, but as cases continue to decline and depending on your comfort level with meeting face-to-face, WiHPCA would encourage you to participate in this critical grassroots advocacy program.

    Please click here for more information on the program. Please contact the WiHPCA office at wihpca@badgerbay.co if you’re interested in participating.

  • April 29, 2022 10:03 AM | Deleted user

    WiHPCA is happy to remind members about and provide links to the latest articles and information from Hospice News and the National Association for Home Care and Hospice:

    ·       SCAN Health Plan CEO Sachin Jain: Don’t Lose Sight of Patients in the Quest for Value

    By Jim Parker | April 25, 2022

    For better or worse, value-based care may be the most influential concept in 21st Century health care. And with the advent of new payment models, hospices are no longer on the outside of those programs looking in. Read more…

    ·       Bipartisan Push in Congress to Make Medicare Enrollment Easier

    National Association for Home Care and Hospice | April 25, 2022

    Legislation has recently been introduced that would work to improve the Medicare enrollment process for individuals nearing Medicare eligibility, aged 60-64. Longtime home care champions Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Todd Young (R-IN) are leading the charge for the Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification 2.0 (BENES 2.0) Act, (S. 2675). BENES 2.0 continues the theme of the original BENES Act, many provisions of which became law in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, in supporting individuals in their Medicare enrollment process. Read more…

    ·       Rural Hospices, Patients Encounter Higher Needs, Fewer Options

    By Jim Parker | April 11, 2022

    Hospices that serve rural communities encounter unique challenges to bring care to a geographically dispersed population while contending with a smaller labor pool and higher costs for clinician travel. Read more…

    • Hospices Seek Engagement With Policymakers on Payment, Regulation

    By Jim Parker | April 8, 2022

    In an evolving payment and regulatory environment, hospices would benefit from stepping up their engagement with federal, state and local agencies and legislators. Read more…

    ·       CMS Proposes 2.7% Hospice Payment Raise for 2023

    By Jim Parker | March 30, 2022

    The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday released the 2023 proposed payment rule for hospice providers, including a 2.7% per diem rate increase. The rule also contains a model for phasing in changes to the way CMS will use the wage index to inform payment rates in future years. Read more…

    Hospice News, which is part of the Aging Media Network, is a leading source for news and information covering the hospice industry. National Association for Home Care and Hospiceis the largest professional association representing the interests of chronically ill, disabled, and dying Americans of all ages and the caregivers who provide them with in-home health and hospice services.

  • April 29, 2022 10:03 AM | Deleted user
    • 2021-22 Legislative Session Recap: During the session that ended last month, 2,305 bills were introduced, 393 were passed by the Legislature, and 267 were signed into law by Gov. Evers. The governor also issued 126 vetoes, which sets the new record for most vetoes by a Wisconsin governor in a single session.
    • Wisconsin businessman Tim Michels recently announced his candidacy for Wisconsin governor, joining a crowded Republican primary for the state’s top elected position. Michels, who ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate in 2004, will face former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, businessman Kevin Nicholson, and current state Rep. Timothy Ramthun in the Aug. 9 primary.
    • Earlier this month, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted state legislative maps proposed by Republican legislative leaders, which was a reversal of the court’s earlier decision to accept maps submitted by Gov. Tony Evers. The reversal, which is likely to be the final decision on the state’s legislative maps for the next decade, came after the U.S. Supreme Court ordered Wisconsin’s high court to reconsider their earlier ruling.
    • The exodus of current state lawmakers from the WI Legislature continues, as Sen. Dale Kooyenga announced this week he will not seek reelection. Please find below a list of state legislators who won’t be seeking reelection this fall:
    • Wisconsin Senate:
      • Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) – Retiring
      • Janet Bewley (D-Mason) – Retiring
      • Sen. Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield)
      • Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point) – Retiring
      • Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) – Retiring
      • Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) – Retiring
      • Roger Roth (R-Appleton) – Running for Lt. Governor
    • Wisconsin Assembly:
    • David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) – Running for Lt. Governor
    • Rachel Cabral-Guevara (R-Appleton) – Running for state Senate
    • Gary Hebl (D-Sun Prairie) – Retiring
    • Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton) – Running for state Senate
    • Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) – Retiring
    • Cody Horlacher (R-Mukwonago) – Running for Circuit Court Judge
    • Jesse James (R-Altoona) – Running for state Senate
    • Samantha Kerkman (R-Salem Lakes) – Elected as Kenosha County Executive
    • Mike Kuglitsch(R-New Berlin) – Retiring
    • Amy Loudenbeck(R-Clinton) – Running for WI Secretary of State
    • Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield) – Retiring
    • Nick Milroy (D-South Range) – Retiring
    • Sondy Pope (D-Mt. Horeb) – Retiring
    • Tim Ramthun (R-Campbellsport) – Running for Governor
    • Sara Rodriguez (D-Brookfield) – Running for Lt. Governor
    • Joe Sanfelippo (R-New Berlin) – Retiring
    • Ken Skowronski (R-Franklin) – Retiring
    • Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit) – Running for state Senate
    • Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna) – Retiring
    • Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) – Retiring
    • Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R-Fond du Lac) – Retiring
    • Tyler Vorpagel (R-Pymouth) – Retiring
  • April 29, 2022 10:01 AM | Deleted user

    The 2021-22 Wisconsin legislative session has officially come to a close  and Congress will soon wind down to focus on the upcoming mid-term elections, but that is no reason for the WiHCPA Advocacy Program to sit back and relax. It’s just the opposite, as there is no time like the present to plan for future advocacy efforts that will advance hospice and palliative care in Wisconsin.

    And the WiHPCA Government Affairs Team is doing just that… Working with the association’s legislative committee, we are currently developing WiHPCA’s 2023-24 Policy Agenda, which will identify our legislative and regulatory prioritiest.

    Last month, to gain valuable feedback from members, WiHPCA sent out a membership-wide state/federal policy priorities survey, which gave members a tremendous opportunity to provide their input on what issues are most important to them. Please find below the top three policy issues identified by survey respondents:

    1. Educate the Wisconsin congressional delegation (and state lawmakers) on the potential negative impact and risk to hospice care associated with CMS’ Medicare Advantage VBID “Hospice Carve-In” demonstration.
    2. Eliminate the nursing home room and board Medicaid pass-through billing requirement imposed on hospice care.
    3. Promote public awareness and increase policy influence of palliative care, such as the creation of a state palliative care advisory council.

    WiHPCA leadership will use the member feedback gathered via the survey to help finalize the association’s top policy priorities and guide our government affairs efforts over the next two years. WiHPCA’s final Policy Agenda will be unveiled and distributed to members soon.

    Thank you to all WiHCA members who responded to the survey. Your feedback is invaluable in the advancement of the association’s advocacy program.

Wisconsin Hospice and Palliative Care Association

563 Carter Ct, Suite B

Kimberly, WI 54136

Phone: 920-750-7726 | Fax: 920-882-3655

Email: wihpca@badgerbay.co

© Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Hospice Care and Palliative Association.   All rights reserved.

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